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Welcome to a new era of academic integrity with
Plagiarix - where every word counts!

Plagiarix - AI powered plagiarism detection
Plagiarix label

Designed for

Proctoring providers and users
LMS providers and integrators
Universities and educational organizations

Product Features

AI Content Detector
Identifies whether text is AI-generated or human-generated.
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Internet Plagiarism Checker
Compares text against online resources to detect plagiarism.
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Batch Processing
Allows multiple exam papers to be mutually analyzed, saving hours of time and energy.
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AI Content Detector

AI Content Detector
Don't let the lines between human and artificial intelligence blur!
Identifying human-written content from AI-written content in the digital age is essential, and our tool does just that.
Whether it's a document, an email, or a manuscript, our system in depth analyzes each sentence, providing you with a comprehensive breakdown of AI-generated versus human-written content.
Tool Capabilities
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Sentence Analysis
Splits the text into individual sentences to analyze them separately, ensuring a detailed examination of the entire text.
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Perplexity Calculation
Calculates the perplexity of text fragments within each sentence, identifying which parts may be less predictable and potentially more complex.
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Text Highlighter
Highlights key differences between the submitted text and online resources.
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Fast Scoring
Quickly scans large content databases, searching for and highlighting matches.
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Versatile Document Input
Accepts plain text, web pages, and documents in DOCX or PDF formats.
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Continuous Learning
The detector is built with the capability to learn and adapt, improving its accuracy over time with more data.
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OCR Function
Converts different types of documents, including scanned paper documents and images, into editable and searchable data.
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Clear Result Visualization
Presents the analysis results in an easily interpretable visual format.
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High level of accuracy and efficiency
Developed using a vast collection of data checked by humans to reduce the chance of incorrect results.
How It Works
1. Log in to the service
Enter your credentials into the designated fields and check for plagiarism quickly and efficiently.
2. Upload the documents
This can be done by copy-pasting plain text directly, providing a URL to a file, or uploading a file (PDF, MS Word).
3. Run the check
Hit "Detect" and watch as our system analyzes your text in detail, showing you a cool loading spinner as it works its magic.
4. Review the results
Red highlights suggest AI-created sentences, green for human-made, and yellow for those that are a bit of a mystery.
5. Ready for more?
Start a fresh check with just a click. It's that straightforward!

Internet Plagiarism Checker

Internet plagiarism checker
Academic integrity beyond internet resources.
In order to ensure originality, Plagiarism Checker precisely scans and cross-references each submission against a vast database of internet sources.
Our system is more than a preventative measure; it's an educational partner, enhancing the learning experience by ensuring fair play and real effort in every assignment.
Tool Capabilities
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Integrity Verifier
Verifies the originality of the content against a vast database of online sources.
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Precision Similarity Analysis
Shows a percentage similarity between user text and found texts, as well as HTML fragment comparing two texts.
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Simplified Text Extraction
Facilitates easy extraction of text from PDFs and other formats, avoiding duplication.
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Versatile Document Input
Accepts plain text, web pages, and documents in DOCX or PDF formats.
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Source Origin References
Provides references to the original sources of content.
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OCR Function
Converts different types of documents, including scanned paper documents and images, into editable and searchable data.
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Visual Comparison
Provides an HTML fragment for a side-by-side textual comparison between the user's document and the matched texts.
How It Works
1. Log in to the service
Enter your credentials into the designated fields and check for plagiarism quickly and efficiently.
2. Upload the documents
This can be done by copy-pasting plain text directly, providing a URL to a file, or uploading a file (PDF, MS Word).
3. Run the check
Hit the "Detect" button and our system will start comparing your text to online content, showing you how much is original.
4. Review the results
There is a detailed percentage that shows how much of your text matches documents online.
5. Ready for more?
Start a fresh check with just a click. It's that straightforward!

Batch Processing

Batch processing
Say goodbye to endless hours of manual checking and hello to fast, accurate results!
Capable of processing hundreds of exam scripts in mere hours, our system simplifies the task of checking exam papers for similarities. Imagine being able to scan through hundreds of tests in just a few hours! That's what we offer.
With advanced extraction capabilities from PDFs and various formats, we ensure a thorough and efficient analysis. Our intuitive visualization tools provide clear insights, making the review process a breeze. The filter focuses on the most relevant document matches, cutting down on the time required to search for similarities.
Tool Capabilities
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Cross-Plagiarism Detection
Specializes in identifying instances where exam works, such as essays, may have been copied from one another.
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Bulk Processing
Users can upload an entire batch of exam works in a ZIP archive, making it efficient for processing multiple documents at once.
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Flexible Document Formats
Accepts both Word and PDF file formats within the ZIP archive.
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Error Handling
If a document within the ZIP has the wrong extension or contains a virus, the system will reject it, notify the user, and inform the support team while safely processing the remaining files.
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Fast Processing On Large Exams
Ensures that results are generated swiftly, reducing wait times and enhancing the overall user experience.
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Adding Essays After Processing
Provides users with the ability to add additional quotes or essays after the document has been analyzed.
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Clear Result Visualization
Presents the analysis results in an easily interpretable visual format.
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OCR Function
Converts different types of documents, including scanned paper documents and images, into editable and searchable data.
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Ignoring Specified Text
Allows users to exclude certain parts of the document from the comparison process. This is especially beneficial when dealing with quotes or legal disclaimers that are commonly repeated across multiple documents.
How It Works
1. Log in to the service
Enter your credentials into the designated fields and check for plagiarism quickly and efficiently.
2. Upload the documents
This can be done by copy-pasting plain text directly, providing a URL to a file, or uploading a file (PDF, MS Word).
3. Run the check
Hit "Detect" and watch as our system analyzes your documents against each other to identify plagiarism.
4. Review the results
Our tool has several options to identify pairs of similar ones (cheating/plagiarism candidates): focus on different or similar parts.
5. Ready for more?
Start a fresh check with just a click. It's that straightforward!

Even More Benefits of All Tools!

Data Processing and Storage
  • Dedicated virtual machine on Silk Data side.
  • Installation on client side: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud or other.
  • High Availability Storage: Guarantees uptime and data accessibility.
  • Scalable Architecture: Accommodates growing volumes of data.
  • Access Control: Restricts data access to authorized personnel only.
Comprehensive Customer Support
  • 24/7 Availability: Ensures support is always within reach.
  • Technical Troubleshooting: Provides expert solutions to technical issues.
  • User Training: Offers comprehensive guides and tutorials for new users.
Data Issue Tracking
Keeps a detailed record of all support interactions for quality assurance


Start with the basics for free.
Plan features
2 users
10 pages in Internet Plagiarism Checker
3 detections in AI Content Detector
3 processing in Batch Processing
Shareable reports
per month
Experience all the product features for monthly payment.
Plan features
2 users
1000 pages in Internet Plagiarism Checker
NO LIMITS in AI Content Detector
NO LIMITS in Batch Processing
Shareable reports
Image search in Internet Plagiarism Checker*
Multi-language support*: English, German, Italian, Spanish and many more
Moodle plugin*
LTI integration*
API access
per year
Experience all the product features for annual payment.
Plan features
2 3 users
Pay for 10 months, use all year!
12000 15000 pages in Internet Plagiarism Checker
NO LIMITS in AI Content Detector
NO LIMITS in Batch Processing
Shareable reports
Image search in Internet Plagiarism Checker*
Multi-language support*: English, German, Italian, Spanish and many more
Moodle plugin*
LTI integration*
API access
On demand
Only your unique solution.
Plan features
Unlimited number of users
Pay as you go in Internet Plagiarism Checker
Configurable search engines
NO LIMITS in AI Content Detector
NO LIMITS in Batch Processing
Shareable reports
Image search in Internet Plagiarism Checker*
Multi-language support*: English, German, Italian, Spanish and many more
Moodle plugin*
LTI integration*
Search in closed depositories*
Cross-language plagiarism detection*
Fully customizable solution
Advanced batch comparison
On-premise deployment option
Volume-based discounts
Priority customer support & account management
Custom branding and white-labeling
API access
* Coming soon

Our Clients

Invigilator apt

Frequently Asked Questions

In the current version, it is an instructor's responsibility to decide if the common text in two essays is legitimate (for example, it can be a necessary citation). Adding the ability to ignore common text will be added to one of the next versions.

Technically, our tool, like all antiplagiarism software, is a similarity detection and text matching software. It is a part of the plagiarism avoidance policies followed in an educational organization to decide what kind of textual similarity is indeed plagiarism.

Plagiarism can easily derail an academic career. Educational institutions have a zero-tolerance policy for cheating and plagiarism. Any such allegations can lead to severe consequences, such as suspension or even expulsion.

There is no complete analogues that focuses on exams: our solution is optimized for fast detection of similar documents in large batches of texts. Most other plagiarism detection systems are focused on finding copies from online sources or scholarly articles, but not on fast cross-checking of large batches of essays.


Yes, we provide REST API for integration into other platforms. The API supports endpoints for starting preprocessing and compare, reviewing processing status, getting the results and deleting unnecessary data.

The uploaded data and processing results are stored for inspection and analysis. The user can delete any part of their data any time.

No, Plagiarix doesn’t publish or share your content. We do not have any connection with paper mills or similar businesses.

PDF, MS Word documents.

Plagiarix provides extensive API for integration with other software systems, including LMS. Ready-to-use integration with popular LMS systems are in planning. We would be happy to know your preferences.

Plagiarix’s results are based on similarity scores, highlighting matching content and providing references to potential sources.

Any questions or thoughts?

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