About Product
On a mission to ensure the integrity of written content through reliable and efficient plagiarism detection.Our Values
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with Plagiarix.
Plagiarix Team

Plagiarix Team
We at Plagiarix are driven by a commitment to originality and innovative solutions. Our group includes PhD experts, skilled middle and senior developers who are passionate about everything related to content and its uniqueness.
Our mission is to make plagiarism detection effortless and efficient, enabling our users to maintain the highest standards of uniqueness. By using Plagiarix, you can concentrate on creating and evaluating exceptional content, while we detect its authenticity.

At Plagiarix, we’re committed to fostering a culture of learning, writing, and transparency. Our technology is designed to simplify even the most complex tasks, allowing you to focus on what truly matters, while we handle the details.Let’s work together to create a future where originality and trust are at the core of content creation.
We’re here for you, every step of the way.The Path We've Traveled
The Path We've Traveled
The project started in 2020, when the world rapidly switched to online education due to Covid 19. One of our clients needed a reliable way to analyze student essays during exams with the main goal to uphold academic integrity through plagiarism detection. That's how Plagiarix was born.
We've grown and enhanced our AI-powered plagiarism checker, making it a comprehensive tool not only for academic works analysis but also for social media content creation, digital publishing and editing tasks. Since then, we've implemented our AI content detector, recognizing the vast influence AI has in digital. Indeed, AI improves personal learning and tutoring and provides new creative ideas, but it also threatens integrity and uniqueness through tons of AI-generated content, including essays, social media and blog posts and news articles.
And our journey doesn’t end here. We constantly improve Plagiarix to stay one step ahead of our users’ needs — pushing the boundaries of AI technology to ensure that content originality remains at the heart of everything we do.
A Team Driven by Global Vision
Contact us
Feel free to contact us anytime, our dedicated team is here to assist you with any inquiries or concerns you may have.